Solar Panel Claims



Mis-Sold Solar Panel Claims
Mis-sold solar panel claims” typically refer to situations where individuals believe they were given misleading or false information when purchasing solar panel systems. These claims often arise from concerns about unethical or deceptive sales practices. Here are some common reasons people might consider making mis-selling claims related to solar panels:

Misleading Promises: Customers may have been promised exaggerated benefits or savings from solar panel installations. These promises could include unrealistic energy savings, income from excess energy generation, or quick payback periods.

Incomplete Information: Some customers might argue that they were not provided with all the necessary information about the solar panel system,
including its maintenance requirements, potential issues, or the terms of the contract.

Pressure Sales Tactics: Claims may arise from customers feeling pressured or rushed into making a decision, possibly by aggressive sales tactics or high-pressure salespeople.

Hidden Costs: Customers may discover hidden costs or fees that were not disclosed during the sales process, such as maintenance charges, hidden financing costs, or additional expenses required for system upgrades or repairs.

Overpriced Systems: Some individuals might argue that they were charged an exorbitant price for their solar panel systems compared to market standards.

Unsuitable Products: Claims may be based on the belief that the solar panel system recommended or installed was not suitable for the customer’s needs or property, leading to inefficient or suboptimal performance.

How to

Address Mis-Selling Claims
Related to Solar Panels
Review Your Contract: We will carefully review the contract you signed when purchasing the solar panel system. We need to pay attention to the terms and conditions, warranties, and any clauses related to cancellations or disputes.
Gather Evidence: We will collect evidence that supports your claim, such as sales materials, communication with the salesperson, and any documentation related to the sale.
Contact the Seller: We will reach out to the company that sold you the solar panel system to discuss your concerns and seek a resolution. Many issues can be resolved through communication and negotiation.
Complain to Regulatory Authorities: If we find out that you have been a victim of mis-selling and cannot reach a resolution with the seller, we will be filing a complaint with relevant regulatory authorities or consumer protection agencies.
Further Legal Advice: If the seller won’t come to a settlement in some cases, it may be necessary for you to consult with our legal professionals who specializes in consumer protection or contract law to determine if you have a valid claim and what legal actions you can take.

Get Your Claim Underway with Ease!

We obtain a survey entirely paid up front by ourselves that is only billable to a client upon a successful claim. Our surveys generally reveal hidden issues with client’s PV systems exceeding £5,000 to rectify. These issues are becoming more serious over time and if left untreated can result in escalating costs and even the failure of the systems. This can lead to clients having no recourse from the solar company who sold the system if the solar company has ceased to trade.

Not only do we hold any lender who has financed the purchase accountable for the issues with the solar system but the majority of our surveys demonstrate little benefit in purchasing the systems after repaying the finance. As such we can obtain remedies such as full refunds of all payments made and loan balances being entirely written off. Where lenders are made accountable for the issues we can also make them honour the warranty periods that would have prevailed if the solar companies were still in business thus providing peace of mind for our customers for the future.


Step 1

Complete our online check

Step 2

Our claim experts will
get in touch for your FREE

Step 3

Your claim pack
is sent for you to sign

Step 4

Letter of claim
is sent to your Solar
Get your mis-sold solar panel claim compensation from your supplier

Make a Claim

Over 3,400 claims
successfully settled for
our clients for over
£17 million